
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Minimizing Your Waste + Simple Ways To Start

If you've talked to me for more than five seconds you probably know I am ALL about that minimalism life. It eases my depression, it helps me get kids out of the house quick-ish and it's all around been a game changer for my home. 

Another aspect of minimalism that I don't talk about as often is minimizing waste. Yes, I know that's technically called zero waste..but my small amount of OCD won't let me say zero waste knowing that I will never truly produce zero waste...welcome to my brain! So, I try my best to minimize mine and my family's waste in really simple ways. It can seem SO daunting to make changes in this aspect of life (single use plastic is EVERYWHERE around us) but once you get started it's really not too bad! I want to share with you some of my favorite simple ways to reduce waste in your home.

#1: Most of these changes really focus on limiting your use of single use plastic. The first thing I did when trying to use less plastic was switch to bulk buying. Instead of heading to the grocery store and stocking up on bulk items that come in it's own packaging (think chocolate chips, flour, sugar, oats etc) we head to a local grocery store that offers these items in bulk! We're in Utah so we have Winco everywhere. They have a huge bulk section where you can buy lots of different food items without the packaging- and pro tip: it's usually cheaper this way! When you're not paying for the packaging you can minimize your grocery budget too. When we get home we put these items into mason jars which i actually really love to look at with our open shelving. I'm also all about those farmhouse vibes! 

#2: This brings us to the second swap. Great, you've found a store that offers lots of items in bulk...but don't you have to use plastic bags to weigh and buy them? NOPE! No. No. No. This is like one of the biggest grocery store lies out there. You don't have to use plastic bags! Not for produce, not for bulk items. Nope. My favorite swap we've done is...cloth produce bags! These were SO cheap to make (I actually just sewed them with my very basic skills from old dish towels and pillow cases) and save sooooo much plastic waste! I bring them with my reusable grocery bags and put in them whatever I would put in the plastic bags the store offers. And if you are just buying produce, you don't even NEED them. It's not mandatory to bag produce. Often times I'll just grab whatever I need and put it right into the cart. I promise that little plastic bag isn't keeping you from any germs, either. Produce gets handled a LOT before it gets in your hand. Wash well! 

#3: Reusable ziploc bags and pouches: This was another big one for us. With kids we use SO many plastic bags. Lunches, snacks on the go, bribes to not scream the entire time we're at the's a lot. I simply went onto amazon, found a set of bags I liked and boom! No more waste. And again, you save so much money not buying them all the time! We also use a lot of single serve pouches. With Evie's bowel issues her snacks are typically pureed fruit or applesauce. Instead of paying a RIDICULOUS amount of money for individual pouches at the store, I bought these super cute reusable pouches and fill them myself. They're bigger, too! 

#4: Menstrual cup! I said it. Periods happen, it's life. But the amount of waste we make during that super fun week is insane. Like...insane. Menstrual cups last years and are actually a lot more convenient than tampons and pads. And since I am lucky and get two periods a months thanks to diva cup is my best friend. 

#5: Steel alternatives! I've been using steel cups and water bottles for years to cut down on the need for plastic water bottles, but steel straws didn't cross my mind until last year. I picked up a set on Amazon that came with lots of straws, brushes and even a pouch to carry with me. I leave some at home and take 2-4 with me so I can use them at restaurants and events. Just remember that you used your own straw and don't forget it at your favorite hibachi grill...learn from my mistakes ;) 

#6: Cloth napkins were another DIY waste project I did and they were so easy! I picked out a flannel print I loved (avocados, duh) and a terry cloth material. I measured a napkin I already had and cut them to size and sewed them together. Super simple and so absorbent! We just use them however we'd use paper towels and they save us so much waste with small kids! 

That's it! Six easy ways to reduce the waste in your home. Once you make small changes it's easier to tackle the bigger things. Start small and make a huge impact! 

What are your favorite ways to reduce waste?