
Friday, October 11, 2019

The Down And Dirty On Anxiety And The Shen Men Piercing

One of the most asked questions I get on my instagram is about my shen men piercing and how it's effected my anxiety. It's often too much for one insta post, so hopefully this helps! 

Sadly, mental illness is no stranger to me. It's something I've dealt with, and dealt with HARD, for a long time. My struggles seem to be never ending with mental health, but one thing that's taken the front seat (let's be honest, it's in the drivers seat most days) since becoming a mom is anxiety. 

As it turns out my biggest anxiety triggers are loud noises and you can imagine how well that's translated into the blessed journey of motherhood... not well. My middle daughter is basically a walking loud mess. So my anxiety has been at an all time high over the last couple of years. It was bad, ya'll. Like rage-momster style bad. I spent basically every single day overwhelmed with panic. I yelled. I rage cleaned. I had a constantly tight chest and tense body. It was just becoming so normal to me that it didn't even phase me. I could see myself acting out of anxiety, but I couldn't seem to step in and stop it. I remember crying on the phone to my sister once because after I vented to her about something that was just colossal to me she replied "there's literally nothing you can do...just don't worry about it" WHAT?! How can I not worry about it? How can I not fixate on something so intensely that it consumes me with worry and straight up panic? How is that even possible? It was a physical reaction that I had ZERO control over. I was having full blown panic attacks every day almost. It felt like I was having a heart attack and I was sure my heart would pound right out of my chest. I overthought every word I said or was said to me, I was sure everyone hated me and I dreaded any social gathering. 

It wasn't pretty, folks. 

As I've been more open with my struggle with anxiety I've come to realize a LOT of you also struggle. 

Last May I'd had enough. I haven't had the best luck with anxiety medication (we're all SO different, medication may be just what you need! I'm not advocating against meds. They're wonderful) and I didn't want to be on something long term. So I started looking into acupuncture piercings. I know so many people who've gotten daith piercings for migraines and had such amazing results...there had to be something for anxiety, too.
So I googled. I also remembered a friend who's dad is a doctor and acupuncturist. He said that he totally wasn't a believer until he started practicing it and saw people walk in totally fine and just break down in uncontrollable sobs as he hit different points. He told me about the shen men point which basically the most calming and relaxing ear point. Supposedly it could even help relieve anxiety. 

I was pretty skeptical but I had to try. I was beyond miserable. I did a lot of calling around and finally found a piercing artist who didn't act like I was crazy when I asked about the shen men. A lot of piercers have never even heard of it. I lucked out and found someone who'd had great success with daith piercings and had some experience with shen men as well. 

That May I got my shen men pierced. I opted for the rook piercing which keeps the barbell on one side of your ear. The shen men piercing goes from the front out of the back of the ear through the shen men point (think cartilage piercing) while the rook goes through the shen men point but keeps the barbell on one side. I liked the look of the rook more and I knew it would be annoying to sleep with a barbell poking into my head. 

Ya'll. I cannot believe it worked! I was SO skeptical. I was sure there was no way it would end up working. But as soon as he pushed the needle through that point it was like my whole body relaxed. A ball of stress in my chest melted and I 'd had no idea that I had felt so tense. I was on a high. I went home feeling relieved, but skeptical. Surely it was just placebo and endorphins and it wouldn't last.

It's now been five months since I got my piercing. It's been life changing. I can honestly say I haven't had true anxiety since May. I've worried. I've fretted. I've not felt tight and tense. I've not felt like I was having a heart attack or obsessed over things I can't control until they've consumed me. It's so crazy. I fully understand now how people could say things like let it go. My brain couldn't even comprehend doing that before and now it's so easy. And I've had so many things come up that would typically send me into an anxiety spiral (like insane health problems with my youngest. That whole situation would have KILLED me before my piercing). I'm more patient. I'm less quick to anger. I'm able to see what I can control and what I can't and not let those things I can't consume me. It's amazing. I feel like I've been given a second chance at life. I'm happier and more productive. I'm a nicer mom. 

So, here's the answers to the most common questions I get about it: 

1. Did it hurt? Not really. I used to have a fair amount of piercings so I may not be the best judge but it's really just a few seconds of burning and then it's over. Cartilage tends to be slower to heal than other piercings so it does stay sore for a little while (I slept on the other side of my head for a month or so) but it's really not bad. 

2. Is it hard to care for? Nope! Super easy. Some piercers can be outdated though, so be careful of that. Do NOT turn it or move it. It's important for it to stay still so it can heal properly and keep infections out. Don't touch it! DO NOT wash it with soaps and the like. Go to walgreens or CVS and get saline wound wash. Spray it twice a day. That's it! Keep that up for six weeks and it'll heal great! 

3. How much does it cost? It really depends on where you're at. $45-50 seems to be average. If you're local to Utah I highly highly recommend Travis at Deja Vu in the Ogden Newgate Mall. He's so knowledgeable and clean. 

4. How do I make sure it's the right spot? Finding someone who knows about acupuncture helps a ton. Some piercers will have you come in with anxiety so they can use needles or ear seeds to make sure it's the right spot. If you find someone you trust you'll be good! 

Talk about it! Talking about mental health is so important. Share your struggles and successes and what you've tried. It's so helpful to those dealing with mental illness and to those trying to support them. 

Have you tried the shen men piercing? How has your experience been?